Elk Pics - General

We called our lodging place - The Cabin, which may have offended the staff.  Its official name was The Pond House.  It was more like a luxurious hotel.  Each of the six bedrooms had its own bathroom / shower combo and closet.  Three floors.  Full kitchen with refrigerator, microwave, stove, and sink.  Three living room areas, a washer/dryer, 3-car garage, 3 stories, satellite TV - it was Gorgeous!

Our King sized beds waiting for us.

Cristina on the loft of the Pond House

Ready for dinner.  Spots on shirts due to rain.

Our rooms were labeled for us.  Dad obviously stayed in the Brook Trout room.
The HL circle is the brand for the High Lonesome Ranch.

Trent and Dad at the shooting range sighting in our guns.

Trent sighting in Jason's .300 Ultra Mag.

The dining room / kitchen of the Pond House.

One of the three living rooms in the Pond House.

Looking back on The Pond House - yep, what a way to "rough it."  
Totally awesome scenery too!


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