Deer Day 19 - Sun NOV 24

We all decided to sleep in this morning, which is probably a good call.  It actually felt good.  Then we had the Albitz Thanksgiving at the church at 1.  I picked up Dave at 3:45 and we headed for the course.

Upon arrival, we saw a neighbor (Bernie) dumping tree limbs at the pump house.  Okay, that location is out. So Dave went over to Hole #4 and I went to Hole #15.

It was colder today, like 23 F but there was no wind - thus, it was a much nicer day.  And with no wind, it was easy to hear anything moving in the woods.

I stood for 90 minutes and did not move.  In fact, when I went to walk out, my legs were asleep I had been standing still so long.  A lot of good it did me too.  I saw one squirrel, a red-tailed hawk, and one rabbit.  I heard some quail, the turkey hens calling, and an owl.  I never saw a deer.

At 5:30 I texted Dave that it was dark enough and I was walking out.  At that time, he had two doe walking in from the W in the woods N of Hole #1.  They passed N of him and came out at 130 yards crossing #4's fairway.  By then, however, it was too dark to shoot - he tried - he just could not see them in his scope.

We returned home much warmer than yesterday.  We did get to see s beautiful sunset though.


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