Deer Day 24 - SAT NOV 30

Alex, Eric and Nick headed for the course again today.  It's a much nicer day, 24F with 10mph winds.  Nick took Hole #4, Alex #15, and Eric #5.  Alex's gun misfired or he would have tagged one of three doe that walked in on him.  Nick pushed a doe to Eric, but Eric was not where he was supposed to be, so no shots fired for those 3.  They ended by 9.

Dave and I hit Marshall's south farm.  We sat for 90 minutes without seeing a thing and so I pushed the swamp.  Only thing I drove out was 4 coyotes.  No wonder we didn't see any deer either!

Tomorrow ends the shotgun portion of Indiana's season.  We take a week off and then muzzle loader season opens up for 2 more weeks.  We're getting close to putting a close on deer season 2013.

Hopefully we get a couple more to put in the freezer.  But if not, we're sure having fun!


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