Deer Day 20 - Mon NOV 25 - Trespassing

I got home early enough tonight to head out and see what was happening at the golf course.  I arrived at 4:00 pm and briefly spoke with Ken, the course owner who was there doing preventive maintenance on the golf carts.

I headed up to Hole #5 and sat in the pinch point N of Hole #1's green in the woods.  As I waited for my deer to show up, I saw a hunter walking down Hole #2's fairway from the W to the E.  I called Ken on his cell phone.  He jumped in the cart and tried to find said hunter.  No luck.  The hunter ditched it somewhere.

Now get this.  No one else has permission to be hunting on the course.  Also, I spoke with Sigler and he has not granted anyone permission to hunt his property.  I know there are four people who can hunt Jenkins, and they all come in from the E side.  So I don't know where this guy was going, but he was trespassing.

Look, there's plenty of land and plenty of deer for all of us.  What I'd like is some safety and some respect. It is HIGHLY Dangerous for him to be walking across the land I'm hunting if I do not know he's there.  I have the belief that NO ONE else is on the course and thus can shoot in almost any direction without injuring someone.  Along comes a trespasser and I have no idea where he is.  Without intent, I can shoot in his direction - only because I don't know he's there.  And he could do the same to me.  Not safe at all!

And why does he feel that he can just hunt anywhere he likes?  I worked to get permission from the land owner, I'm following the rules, but he can just do whatever he likes?  I take it as a personal affront and it makes me angry.

I'm hoping I get a chance to talk with whomever this is and find out what his deal is and kindly ask him to stop his unsafe and inappropriate behavior.

Any reason I didn't see deer tonight?


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