Deer Day 17 - Tues NOV 19

I picked up Davey at 4:00 pm.  It was mostly clear and 41 F.  We headed for Marshall's NE woods. Krueger was sitting in the W woods behind the fertilizer plant.

I walked down to the bottoms and Dave headed for his stand in the killing finger.  I saw 2 squirrels, 4 rabbits and tons of deer sign (tracks, rubs, and scrapes), but no deer.  Well, until I started to walk out.

My Samsung Galaxy downloaded an update - so basically nothing worked until I did a restart.  I dropped to my knees, made sure the phone was on silent, and restarted it.  After which, I sent Dave a text saying that I was walking W out the finger toward him.  Then, I stood up.  Bam, doe to my N snorted and ran W.

She picked up another one, ran toward Dave, circled us both, and then bolted S.  No shots taken.  But hey, we at least SAW deer.

And, on the way out, we got to see a beautiful sunset.  It was after 6 pm by the time we made it back to the truck and beyond legal shooting light.  We toasted with a Modello and headed home for dinner.  It was 35 F when we quit.  Good to be out and seeing deer.

The woods sure look different with all the leaves gone

Gorgeous sunset tonight


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