Deer Day 14 - Saturday NOV 9

Nick, Alex and I hit the golf course this morning as the girls were all going up to Michigan City to Christmas shop.  Both parties feel they "won."

We bolted from the house at 6:30 and parked the truck at 6:40.  Nick walked to the pump house near Hole #14's tee box.  I sat on Hole #15's green.  Alex walked over Hole #4's tee box and sat in the woods. RePhil was in his little pop-up blind on Jenkins, about 100 yards to my E.

One doe ran across to the N as I walked in.  Alex texted me that he had two bucks on Hole #1's green - to his NW and out of range.  I stood behind a tree, but should have hit the woods, as two doe busted me.  I moved.

RePhil texted me that doe were coming from the E and as I was replying, they ran by me.  I took a shot at the younger one - thinking that I just bagged lunch.  Upon further inspection, no blood, no hair, nothing. Musta been a miss.

Nick and I had deer running between us all morning.  Nick was drawing on a buck at 15 yards when a doe busted him from behind at about 10 feet!  She snorted and he almost had to change his diaper.  Needless to say, he did not get a shot off.  However, he said if he had a gun, he could have shot any of 5 different deer today.

In the end, I saw 12, Nick saw 13, and Alex saw 5 deer.  Of course, some of these were the same deer - but man did we see them today.  Too bad we didn't bag about 3 of them.

After hunting, we went and helped RePhil tie down one of the stands.  Those three held on while I climbed up and tied it off.  The stand platform had been visited by raccoons and squirrels.  Once I was safe, Alex and Nick started jousting on a downed tree.  I picked up one of the chewed walnuts and lobbed it over the side at Nick (Alex was behind a tree).  RePhil said "Ought oh!" which made Nick look at him.  Nick noticed RePhil looking up which caused Nick to look up - just in time to have the walnut hit him Square Between The Eyes - Bullseye!  Alex fell off the tree laughing.  Nick tried not to fall down from the shock and awe.

Seems chewed walnuts can have sharp edges and cut you.
Poor Nick looks like he belongs in India.
And yes, that's blood.  Not deer blood either.
Shout out to our sponsor Yuengling beer.


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