Deer Day 15 - Opening Shotgun - 16 NOV

Today, in Indiana, marks the second greatest holiday of the year, only behind Christmas - Opening Day for Shotgun Hunting for deer.  We took advantage of that opportunity and headed for the golf course at 6:30 am.  We walked in before sunlight and got ready.

Kathy sat over Hole #4's tee box on the south side.  Alex hunkered down in Hole #15's bowl.  Nick went to the pump house near Hole #14's tee box, W of Alex.  I went to Hole #11's green to block the N side.

It was on the warmer side, like 47 F, but it was also windy.  I stayed out for just about an hour before I decided to move.  I was heading out of the wind to Hole #17 when Kathy shot - shot again - and shot again. She texted and said 'Deer Down.'  I told everyone to stay put and I would go collect Kathy and her deer.

I walked the entire breadth of the course and found Kathy on #4's tee box.  She pointed N, which was awesome because that's still on course property.  I was afraid it may have gone S, which is off property.

Kathy's story.  She watched a 4-point buck come out of the S and walk across E of her at about 120 yards. She had a 20 gauge shotgun, which is a bit long.  She passed.  A doe came out and was headed her way when she heard noise behind her.  She turned and saw 6 doe walking up to her tree.  Not only could she have hit them with the crossbow, but she said that she could have used a spear.  She made noise to spook them so they would not kiss her.  They booked. Shot #1 missed the large doe.  Shot #2 hit a small doe in the pelvis and she dropped.  Said doe got back up and shot #3 was an attempt to put her down for good.  She claims the scope is off at 10 yards and she shot over the doe.  She then waited for me.  I put the deer down, drug her out to Hole #1's green and we walked back to the clubhouse to get the cart.

By now, Alex has shot.  His text said, "I got 1 down."  A larger doe had been walking E toward RePhil along side the hill.  Alex did not have a shot.  So he used his grunt call and turned the deer around.  He shot her uphill at 60 yards in the neck/spine and dropped her.  Kathy and I drove over to pick her up.  Turns out that "she" was a "he."  Button buck - probably 1.5 years old.  Maybe this year's deer even.

Another doe was walking along the hill, so Alex texted Nick that we were loading, but he should sit tight. This doe was walking the wood-line along the N of Hole #16's fairway.  Nick was in the bottoms, but could see the deer.  He shot her on top of the hill at 80 yards, in the shoulder and dropped her.  She tumbled down the hill to him.  His was the farthest to drag.

Now if you ask me, the definition of a good day is 3 deer in the truck before 8:00 am.  Me?  I got to see one deer running down Hole #17 as we were loading up Kathy's deer.  Other than that, Nada.  Oh well, the kids had a great day!

Kathy's cell phone picture of where her deer went down - 5 yards from her.

Kathy in the cart with THREE deer.  This is a great way to 'drag' deer!

I was down cutting as Alex pulled the guts out and hit the femoral artery.
This was my reward. 

Alex, Kathy, and Nick with their deer.


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