Deer Day 15 - Saturday 22 NOV

The plan was for Alex, Kathy, Nick and I to hit the golf course this Saturday morning.  Too cold and wet for Kathy, and Nick did not hear his alarm.  Thus, Alex and I headed for the golf course at 6:30 am.

We ran into Krueger at the Trinity Church parking lot - he was completing paperwork.  We chatted for a bit and then headed out.  We parked and waited for it to get lighter before walking in at about 7:00 am.  Alex went to overwatch on Hole 5 and I sat in the bottoms of Hole 17.

At about 7:30 or so I heard a shot.  Alex texted that he had a big doe down.  He asked if we should go get the golf cart and pick her up.  I said no, we should stay and hunt some more.  Then I heard shot #2 and then shot #3.  Funny story here.  As we were loading up, Alex said that since he had three loose shells sitting in the gun case, that was all the ammo he was going to take.  I convinced him to take an additional box.  Good thing huh, 'cause right about that point, he would have had a club instead of a gun.

We called it quits about 9 and went back to the club house.  Not a golf cart to be seen.  Ken had put them all up for the winter.  Being spoiled by not having to drag deer, we weighed our options.  There was a club car in the back of the club house.  We hot wired it, but it would not move - even after we gave it a "head start" by pushing it down the hill.  Only thing we accomplished was having to push it back up the hill.

We headed for the maintenance barn.  I hot wired the other club car and it started.  We unloaded the back and took off.  We stopped at the truck for a gun, because you never go into the woods without one.  At that point, the cart would not move.  Alex noted that it was in "Reverse."  He moved the knob to "forward" and we took off like a shot.  We were hauling, but the steering was very loose.  It felt like we were in one of those Disney cars on rails - back and forth, back and forth.

We made it to the first deer.  We picked it up and since there was no exit wound, as we lifted it up, all the pooled blood came gushing out like we'd just turned on a fire hose - right down my leg.  We headed for deer #2 and put her in the cart too before heading back to the truck.

Alex the Deer Slayer

As we are parking the cart where we found it, Ken pulls in (owner of the golf course).  He starts laughing at us.  The cart we used is slated for the junk pile because it does not have reverse and the steering is out - well that and the front is crushed and the tires are bald.  Yes, we know now - but were limited in options at the time.

We gutted both doe and dad hauled the larger to Simpson's for processing into salami.  Alex and I butchered the second ourselves for grinding up early next year.  We ate one whole loin for dinner.  Wrapped them in bacon and grilled.  Fresh, natural, filet mignon.  No finer eating on the planet.  Even Sandy enjoyed the kill it and grill it day we had.


  1. Way to go Alex! Good shooting. You might have to give me a few lessons next time I visit.


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