
Showing posts from November, 2013

Thanksgiving Night Elk

Dad got the call from the guy who is DRIVING our elk to Indiana from Colorado about 6:30 pm Thanksgiving evening.  Seems his refrigerator truck broke down and there was not another one to rent within 800 miles of Indianapolis.  So the guy wanted to get rid of the meat as quickly as possible - before it thawed. Dad said, "Come on over." Delivery man arrived about 8:10 with 8 boxes of elk meat - 3 for Dad, 3 for me and 2 for Trent.  We loaded Dad's and Trent's elk into Dad's freezer.  We had to rearrange things in my freezer to fit all the meat in.  Dad ended up taking the deer I had stowed in mine so that the elk would fit - I ended up with 160#s of meat. We cooked up some elk stew and grilled some elk loins for lunch, dinner, and lunch again the next day. Dad, Eric, Alex, Kathy, Shelby, Nick, Jon, me, and even Sandy had the elk - and I must say, it was delicious! Sandy had made some pumpkin pies and snicker doodles for dessert.  Perfect! I sent a cont...

Deer Day 24 - SAT NOV 30

Alex, Eric and Nick headed for the course again today.  It's a much nicer day, 24F with 10mph winds.  Nick took Hole #4, Alex #15, and Eric #5.  Alex's gun misfired or he would have tagged one of three doe that walked in on him.  Nick pushed a doe to Eric, but Eric was not where he was supposed to be, so no shots fired for those 3.  They ended by 9. Dave and I hit Marshall's south farm.  We sat for 90 minutes without seeing a thing and so I pushed the swamp.  Only thing I drove out was 4 coyotes.  No wonder we didn't see any deer either! Tomorrow ends the shotgun portion of Indiana's season.  We take a week off and then muzzle loader season opens up for 2 more weeks.  We're getting close to putting a close on deer season 2013. Hopefully we get a couple more to put in the freezer.  But if not, we're sure having fun!

Deer Day 23 - Friday NOV 29

Alex and Nick went to the golf course this morning because we did not think there would be room where Dad, Dave, Shane, and I were heading.  We were wrong.  Neal's was open and they could have hunted it. Outcome probably would have been the same... Dad, Shane, and I picked up Dave at 6:45 am.  We drove E of Mulberry to Marshall and Vice.  Dave and I were dropped out on top of Marshall's and the other two went on around E to Vice's to post.  I hadn't made it 40 yards down the road when my cell went off.  It was Shane.  He texted, Tell your Dad to circle back to me.  Oops, he left his radio.  Next text, I forgot the radio.  So I radioed Dad and he returned to leave Shane a radio. Shane set-up on the SW of Vice, and Dad on the NW - both along the creek.  I posted Marshall's bottoms and Dave the NW fence line.  We sat for 90 minutes.  I chose to sit on the SW corner of the bottoms thinking that I was only blocking.  B...

Deer Day 22 - Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Trust yours is safe and enjoyable.  Don't overdue the eating bit. As has been a custom for the past 32 years, I shared the woods hunting with my father for Thanksgiving. I've lost count of how many ham sandwiches and crackers we've eaten in the woods for our "traditional" meal. But do not misunderstand, I have no regrets.  Sure we've missed out on some food and maybe some family gatherings, but we'll make up for that at Christmas.  What we got instead are memories of numerous deer hunts, lots of laughs, and a few deer - for sure not as many deer as years we've hunted. Usually, we go out with Cousin Shane and Uncle DC.  This year we changed it up a bit.  The land we hunt in Carroll County could not support all the hunters.  So we left Shane and DC to the north property and we all hunted down here.  Nick and Alex joined us as the next generation to continue this tradition and we hit the golf course. We all walked ...

Sophomore Hunter Eric Myers Successful

Last year we took Eric out to the course with us.  He used our Remington 20 ga shotgun model 870.  He took a shot at about 300 yards.  We had to tell him that his limit was 100 yards. So this year, Eric bought his own 870 in 12 ga.  He hunted doves with us and came back from college to hunt deer.  He wisely bought a Remington rifled barrel with a cantilever scope mount.  So Sunday night Nick and I helped him mount his scope.  The scope has a really short eye-relief and we told him to be careful - he would hit himself in the face with the scope if he did not have the gun shouldered and held tightly.  But hey, he would not be the first, as we have all done this.  We asked for a picture though when it happened.  We also told him to keep the magnification (power) down on 2 until he had a longer shot - at which point he could turn it up as much as needed. Monday afternoon then, Eric went back to Dad's to sight in his scope.  Sure eno...

Deer Day 21 - WED 27 NOV - Pete's Deer

Got up early this morning and headed to Marshall's S woods with Dave.  I dropped him off at the W-end, drove around and parked at the E.  As I walked S and topped the hill E of the woods, I saw what I thought was a deer feeding.  I debated back and forth for a while because it was just too dark to tell.  Finally, it got light enough to see that yes, it indeed was a deer. Said doe fed to the W and went into the woods.  No way I'm letting her get by me, so I took 3 steps towards the woods.  She bolted back out the way she came and I dropped to a knee.  She must have thought I was another deer because as I hit the ground, she started walking toward me.  She came up the hill to within about 70 yards and turned broadside, heading back toward the E.  I figured now or never and took the shot. I texted Dave and he asked if we were going to leave.  I laughed.  No, we're going to hunt some more.  I walked around the S end of the wood...

Deer Day 20 - Mon NOV 25 - Trespassing

I got home early enough tonight to head out and see what was happening at the golf course.  I arrived at 4:00 pm and briefly spoke with Ken, the course owner who was there doing preventive maintenance on the golf carts. I headed up to Hole #5 and sat in the pinch point N of Hole #1's green in the woods.  As I waited for my deer to show up, I saw a hunter walking down Hole #2's fairway from the W to the E.  I called Ken on his cell phone.  He jumped in the cart and tried to find said hunter.  No luck.  The hunter ditched it somewhere. Now get this.  No one else has permission to be hunting on the course.  Also, I spoke with Sigler and he has not granted anyone permission to hunt his property.  I know there are four people who can hunt Jenkins, and they all come in from the E side.  So I don't know where this guy was going, but he was trespassing. Look, there's plenty of land and plenty of deer for all of us.  What I'd like is s...

Deer Day 19 - Sun NOV 24

We all decided to sleep in this morning, which is probably a good call.  It actually felt good.  Then we had the Albitz Thanksgiving at the church at 1.  I picked up Dave at 3:45 and we headed for the course. Upon arrival, we saw a neighbor (Bernie) dumping tree limbs at the pump house.  Okay, that location is out. So Dave went over to Hole #4 and I went to Hole #15. It was colder today, like 23 F but there was no wind - thus, it was a much nicer day.  And with no wind, it was easy to hear anything moving in the woods. I stood for 90 minutes and did not move.  In fact, when I went to walk out, my legs were asleep I had been standing still so long.  A lot of good it did me too.  I saw one squirrel, a red-tailed hawk, and one rabbit.  I heard some quail, the turkey hens calling, and an owl.  I never saw a deer. At 5:30 I texted Dave that it was dark enough and I was walking out.  At that time, he had two doe walking in from th...

Deer Day 18 - Sat NOV 23

Nick, Alex and I headed for the golf course at 6:40 am.  I got a text from Davey, he was in his stand on Marshall.  We parked and walked in about 7:00 am.  Nick went to the pump house, Alex to Hole #15's green and I went over to Hole #4's tee box.  Kathy?  Where was Kathy?  She stayed in bed because (a) she already has a deer, and (b) it's too cold for poor wittle Kathy. Alex had a buck to his N at 60 yards.  They held each other's gaze as Alex attempted to get his safety off. To no avail.  The buck heard the 'click' and it ran away.  Alex had two pair of gloves on and could not pinch his safety off without making noise.  Oh well, live and learn.  At least he was warm. Nick pushed one deer off Hole #17, but it was still too dark to see.  He then saw two on top of Hole #16 that broke S toward me, so he moved up the hill.  Mistake - that put him in the wind. The two deer that came S, stepped out at about 150 yards, jus...

Deer Day 17 - Tues NOV 19

I picked up Davey at 4:00 pm.  It was mostly clear and 41 F.  We headed for Marshall's NE woods. Krueger was sitting in the W woods behind the fertilizer plant. I walked down to the bottoms and Dave headed for his stand in the killing finger.  I saw 2 squirrels, 4 rabbits and tons of deer sign (tracks, rubs, and scrapes), but no deer.  Well, until I started to walk out. My Samsung Galaxy downloaded an update - so basically nothing worked until I did a restart.  I dropped to my knees, made sure the phone was on silent, and restarted it.  After which, I sent Dave a text saying that I was walking W out the finger toward him.  Then, I stood up.  Bam, doe to my N snorted and ran W. She picked up another one, ran toward Dave, circled us both, and then bolted S.  No shots taken.  But hey, we at least SAW deer. And, on the way out, we got to see a beautiful sunset.  It was after 6 pm by the time we made it back to the truck and beyo...

Deer Day 16 - Sun NOV 17

We attempted a repeat of yesterday's success.  Kathy, Alex, Nick, and I hit the golf course at 6:45 am.  It's warmer today, like 60 F, but really windy.  We all posted up like before, except the message has been received - no deer on the golf course today. Kathy saw one come out from Sigler's to the S at 40 yards, but it was to her W toward the houses, so she could not shoot.  It fed for a while and then returned from whence it came.   No shots fired.  We left at 9 so the kids could get to church. Then, I took the left-over deer steak and made a big ole omlet with jalapenos and onions.  Awesome brunch! The view looking SE from the senior tees on Hole #17.  No deer, just squirrels today.

Stories from Day 15

A few things I neglected to post in yesterday's blog: 1.  This was Kathy's second deer ever.  Her first deer came 15 years ago, when she was 11.  Been a long break for her, but not that much of a dry spell.  If I recall correctly, this is only the third year she has purchased licenses.  So that makes it only a 2 year skunkin'. 2.  As we were loading up to leave the golf course yesterday, we put the deer in the back of RePhil's truck - so mine would not get bloody - putting deer blood on the guns, cooler, and clothes.  So RePhil unlocks his passenger side door, sets down his keys, takes off a layer of clothes, locks the door, and closes it - with the keys still inside.  Not sure (a) what behooved him to put down his keys, and (b) why he's locking the passenger door anyway.  Now what?  We take the time to haze the crap out of him and then I get my jigglers out of the console and pick his truck.  He said it opens to the left - ...

Deer Day 15 - Opening Shotgun - 16 NOV

Today, in Indiana, marks the second greatest holiday of the year, only behind Christmas - Opening Day for Shotgun Hunting for deer.  We took advantage of that opportunity and headed for the golf course at 6:30 am.  We walked in before sunlight and got ready. Kathy sat over Hole #4's tee box on the south side.  Alex hunkered down in Hole #15's bowl.  Nick went to the pump house near Hole #14's tee box, W of Alex.  I went to Hole #11's green to block the N side. It was on the warmer side, like 47 F, but it was also windy.  I stayed out for just about an hour before I decided to move.  I was heading out of the wind to Hole #17 when Kathy shot - shot again - and shot again. She texted and said 'Deer Down.'  I told everyone to stay put and I would go collect Kathy and her deer. I walked the entire breadth of the course and found Kathy on #4's tee box.  She pointed N, which was awesome because that's still on course property.  I was afra...

Outdoor TV Shows - 7 Deadly Sins

Woke up this Tuesday morning to over one inch of ice and snow on my truck.  Doors were frozen shut. This is good news.  It's getting colder and the deer are about to forego their nocturnal-ness and come out in daylight hours!  Yeah! In the meantime, I read this article on what is wrong with outdoor/hunting shows on television today.  This is (a) True and (b) Hilarious.  I have reprinted it here without permission, but with full credit.  No offense intended and no credit to me - I did not write this.  However, YOU should read it... From the November 2013 Issue of Petersen's Hunting magazine as written by editor Mike Schoby. Outdoor TV's 7 Deadly Sins Recently, after watching about 40 hours of outdoor TV and screaming at the screen, I couldn't contain myself any longer and had to write an open letter to outdoor TV "personalities" everywhere.  Keep in mind, I host Petersen's Hunting Adventures , but do not consider myself a "personality" or e...

Deer Day 14 - Saturday NOV 9

Nick, Alex and I hit the golf course this morning as the girls were all going up to Michigan City to Christmas shop.  Both parties feel they "won." We bolted from the house at 6:30 and parked the truck at 6:40.  Nick walked to the pump house near Hole #14's tee box.  I sat on Hole #15's green.  Alex walked over Hole #4's tee box and sat in the woods. RePhil was in his little pop-up blind on Jenkins, about 100 yards to my E. One doe ran across to the N as I walked in.  Alex texted me that he had two bucks on Hole #1's green - to his NW and out of range.  I stood behind a tree, but should have hit the woods, as two doe busted me.  I moved. RePhil texted me that doe were coming from the E and as I was replying, they ran by me.  I took a shot at the younger one - thinking that I just bagged lunch.  Upon further inspection, no blood, no hair, nothing. Musta been a miss. Nick and I had deer running between us all morning.  Nick ...

Deer Day 13 - Sunday Nov 3

First off, apologies to any of my avid reader fans out there (yes, both of you).  Spent the week post elk camp getting over a cold and working on my journal from the elk trip.  Have been absent from this blog and am just now getting back to it. Kathy and Alex were the only 2 to go out on Sunday afternoon.  They sat in the stands on Neal. They saw a pretty sunset and one deer as they drove home.  Nothing else moving.  Still too warm. Dave Jones drove by and saw the truck - and the large doe standing about 30 feet from the truck.  As Dad always says - I would've killed more deer if I'd stayed in the truck.  True... The view from Kathy's stand - with the crossbow. The view from Alex's stand.  Note the absence of deer. One gorgeous sunset as they leave the woods!

Elk Day 5 - Friday 01 Nov - Back Home

The original plan was to get up, eat breakfast and haul Dad's elk down to GJ.  With our flights, we reconsidered.  We got up at 7 and went for breakfast at 8.  We returned to the cabin to pack after buying shirts and sweatshirts at the gift shop.  Our guide Jason took the elk down for us. Cristina had gone out at 6:30 trying to get her elk.  They saw snow, but that's about it. We all returned to the cabin at 9 and packed up.  We left a little after 10 and drove to Grand Junction.  We stopped again at Nick & Willy's and ate pizza for lunch. Dad and I dropped off Trent and Cristina at the airport.  We then went and fueled up the rental car.  Seven gallons of gas at $3.50 a gallon.  Not as cheap as Indiana, but not outrageous.  We returned the rental car and checked in one hour early. The flight from GJ to DIA was pretty open, so Dad switched seats to get us both more room - well that or he had enough of me after 5 days tog...

Elk Pics - General

We called our lodging place - The Cabin, which may have offended the staff.  Its official name was The Pond House.  It was more like a luxurious hotel.  Each of the six bedrooms had its own bathroom / shower combo and closet.  Three floors.  Full kitchen with refrigerator, microwave, stove, and sink.  Three living room areas, a washer/dryer, 3-car garage, 3 stories, satellite TV - it was Gorgeous! Our King sized beds waiting for us. Cristina on the loft of the Pond House Ready for dinner.  Spots on shirts due to rain. Our rooms were labeled for us.  Dad obviously stayed in the Brook Trout room. The HL circle is the brand for the High Lonesome Ranch. Trent and Dad at the shooting range sighting in our guns. Trent sighting in Jason's .300 Ultra Mag. The dining room / kitchen of the Pond House. One of the three living rooms in the Pond House. Looking back on The Pond House - yep, what a way to "roug...

Elk Pics - Blackhawk Down!

Craig's elk.  600# on ground.  318# hanging.  500 yd kill shot. The Seager's with Craig's elk Trent & Dad with Trent's elk.  400# on ground.  220# hanging. 120 yd kill shot. Dad with his elk.  500# on ground.  281# hanging.  244 yard kill shot. The boys and their dad with Jerry's elk.  10' from going 1,500 feet off cliff! Close up of Trent with his elk. Skinning dad's elk back at main Lodge.  That's guide Jason in blue coat. Celebrating with Cold Butts after Dad's Kill on top of Kimball

Elk Pics - Cabin

This is the cabin Trent spent many nights in, located at the NW end of the ranch property on top of Kimball Mountain.  Running water only from a cistern.  Heat from propane and wood stove.  Refrigerator is propane. Generator to provide electricity for recharging radios and some lighting.  Only 2 bunks.

Elk Pics - Scenery

What Beautiful Country - West side of the Rocky Mountains, 9,000' elevation Driving up to Cow Mountain on Monday Top of Cow Mountain on Monday Looking across Cow Mountain to Kimball Mountain on Monday Driving up Ditman on Tuesday Driving up Encanta Road to Kimball Mountain on Tuesday Top of Kimball Mountain on Tuesday  Cottonwood Trees in the Kimball Valley