Travel to Grand Junction Co Friday 19 Oct

Got up at 3:15 this morning so we could hit the airport by 5:30.

No issues checking in our rifles, but by habit I put my pocket knife, you guessed it, in my pocket. I was hoping that it would somehow get through security, but they found it. I was told I have two choices: mail it home for $18 or throw it away. No way my $100 Spyderco was getting tossed. Oh but wait, I have checked firearms. TSA kindly took my knife and locked it up with my gun. Sweet!

Arrived in DIA at 7:30 local time, two hours behind Indiana.
No pick-up trucks for rent, so we settled for a Nissan Pathfinder. Hey, at least it's 4-wheel drive.

Geordie drove the four hours to Grand Junction and we checked into our hotel.
We ate at a local Thai restaurant, which was awesome eats!

The weather here is absolutely fabulous. It's full sun and 70 degrees F. Awesome!

We hit up the local Cabelas for some supplies and called meat processors to check on pricing.

Returned to the hotel and plan an early dinner so we can hit the sack.

We are sleeping in on Saturday and driving to our hunting location in the daylight.

Oh yeah baby, The Secret Public Journal has made the trip with me! For those of you not in the know about the journal, that's your loss....sorry.

This right here...this is how we are all feeling right now.

More tomorrow. Good night all from lovely GJ CO.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Horizon Dr,Grand Junction,United States


  1. Glad you are there! It must be gorgeous up high with that kind of weather. Are the aspen golden, or already dropped their leaves? Keep us posted on what you see and find (and get the hell out of the hotel room and in that wild world - we want better pictures!)


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