Elk Day 5 - Wednesday 10/24

Got up again this morning at 4:45. Re-Phil was already in the shower. Said he couldn't sleep. I did not have that problem. Rolled out at 5:30.

We were on top of the ridge by 7:30, trying to spot the elk. Sure enough, by 8:30, they were walking back up the opposite ridge, exactly where they've been the past two days. We headed back to the truck and drove around the top of the mountain. We parked and headed S. We were three ridges away at the head of Roan Creek.

Elk are on that ridge somewhere.

We walked down, up, around, down again, back up and across the top to make it to the opposite ridge of the elk. We arrived at 11. It was very difficult terrain. About 350 feet up and down across shale. We glassed for elk. Nothing. So we ate lunch. We glassed some more. Nothing, but we did hear a bugle. We were still glassing when the snow started. It got down to 29F with lots of wind and very little visibility.

Snowing on the way out. Note lack of visibility.

We walked back to the truck across the top. Return trip only took an hour to walk. However, the drive back down took 2 hours due to the crappy weather. It's only 60 miles. We're guessing we got an inch of snow, at least.

We grabbed extra food for tomorrow since we hope to catch the elk at the creek in the evening. So far no shots have been fired, but we're having a blast.

Planning on a little later start tomorrow as we will be out later, and we want to drive up in daylight. It's only 7 pm here and Ba-Ba Phil is already snoring. Poor, tired, old Grandpa.

Shout out to Bro. Trent for all his phone calls and email assistance. Also to Tylenol, one of this trip's sponsors. Yeah, we're that sore...paid our dues, now it's time to bag some elk.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Crossroads Blvd,Grand Junction,United States


  1. Take Advil or ibuprofen and you'll be happier! It's not pain meds, but it gets to the swelling. & soreness. My drug of choice - even over bourbon!

  2. Glad you're still seeing them! Sounds like a lot of fun & a lot of work to get to them. The snow may help you - after it hurts you in your hike!


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