Elk Day 2 - Sunday 10/21

Got up this morning at 5:30. Left hotel at 6:11. Arrived at destination at 7:40. Ninety minutes to go 65 miles. The last 10 miles takes 30 minutes - yeah, the roads are that tough.

We busted S down a drain wash. It was STEEP and ROCKY. Re-Phil came close to going over the cliff. Said that was his worse nightmare. Check out our climb.

Really, this does not do the area justice.

A little better. But look back up.

Took 2 hours to get to our home base. We were about half way down the hill, or 600 feet below top grade of 8500 feet. We glasses for several hours but never saw an elk.

We left the mountain at 4 after planning our attack for tomorrow.
We headed almost straight up. Well, the range finder said it was a 38 degree incline. It was tough climbing, but we did it in about 1:15.

We saw 3 more mulies on the way out and got some good pics.

Gonna be an early one tomorrow.

Geordie climbing out.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Crossroads Blvd,Grand Junction,United States


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