Day 4 - Oct 4

Kathy, Alex and I headed back out to Neal / Marshall Farms.  It was warm, like 74 F.  But, the wind was really blowing, 20 mph from the S-SW.  The beans were being picked on Neal, so Kathy and Alex headed to the Neal / Boyd / Marshall property line to hole up (farther E than the stands) while I headed to the bottoms.
I was ready to pack it in at 7:20 when my phone vibrated that I had a call.  Seems that Kathy had grunted in the ubiquitous 6-pointer and Alex shot him.  My directions to them were to mark their location and the location of the buck and then leave - meet me at the truck.
We grabbed flashlights and headed back out to track in the dark.  The buck was broadside at 12 yards when Alex let his compound go.  The arrow hit a little high, behind the shoulder.  The recovered arrow was broken off right at the broad head.  No blood or hair could be found.
We tracked the buck (following prints) for nearly 40 yards (in the dark, mind you) before we found where he stopped.  He dropped a few spots of blood.  We were no longer on a recovery mission, as it was not a fatal hit.  The best we can guess is that the arrow hit a rib and the front leg broke the arrow off.  This was clearly a flesh wound that we were tracking.
We tracked for over an hour and logged about 100 yards when we lost the trail in the corn.  Chuck Norris ain't got nothin' on this deer!

Re-Phil texted and said he was hunting N of his house.  We're not sure whether or not to believe him.  However, he claims to have had 2 doe within 10 yards - in the tall grass and corn.  No shots.

Krueger texted that he had 4 within range, all yearling does and a 4-point buck.  Since Indiana is a 1 buck state, he opted to pass and let the little guy grow up.

It's day 4 of hunting season and the tribe is still going hungry.  Thank goodness for the Mulberry Pizza King!

 Alex and Kathy painted up and ready to hunt.  Alex with a bow and Kathy is the caller.

A wider shot of the hunters.

A view of the sun going down on Marshall's bottom ground - where there are no deer.

The smallest bit of blood left by the Chuck Norris Buck.
Sorry about the exposure.  It's dark and I used my flashlight for visibility.


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