Day 3 - Oct 3

Re-Phil, Nick and I went out to Jenkins' place this afternoon.  I dropped them off at the old parking place at 4:30.  We were greeted by the new home owner and his black lab.
Wind is blowing from the SW at a steady 12 mph, with gusts to 17 mph.  It is however sunny and 67 F.
I parked on the Mulberry-Jefferson blacktop and walked back to the little finger.  Those two walked to the stands at the NE (Re-Phil) and Willows (Nick).  Of course our new friend, the black lab, followed them the entire way.
The wind was nowhere near those two as they were protected by the woods.  So, they got to fight mosquitoes all night.  Me?  I had so much wind rustling the corn that a deer could have walked within 2 feet of me and I would not have heard it.
Re-Phil saw 2 doe ab out 75 yards W of him.  They never passed Nick, so we're guessing they went toward the golf course.
We're not getting any shots, but hey, it beats working for a living.

Nick and Re-Phil getting ready to play hide and seek with a black lab.
Tough to see Re-Phil's camo, but he did the Buck Commander stripes.

Self-portrait from the back camera on my phone.  Yes, the sun is bright. 

 Fall colors.  Some of which is poison ivy, I'm sure.

Sent this picture to cousin Shane and said, "Wish You Were Here, Cuz!"
His reply, "Oh Man, Me Too!"


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