Opening Day - Oct 01 2012

Monday Morning.  It's the opening day of archery season for deer in Indiana.  And, it's the first year that crossbows are legal for general use.  So, I bought me the Barnett Predator and have temporarily put away my Osage self-bow.  Nick is using my old PSE compound bow.
Nick and I got up at 6, took showers and got our gear ready.  We hit Neal's farm at 7 am and sprayed down and walked in.  Nick went to the W stand on Neal, and I headed for the NW corner of Marshall / Boyd.  Neal is still standing soy beans and Marshall is standing corn.  Boyd's corn field to the N is already out.
Sunrise is 7:43; so that makes legal shooting light at 7:13.
Nick toyed with a 6-point buck on his way to the stand.  I got snorted at from the corn.
Nick's buck ran E across Boyd and disappeared.
Temperature was 50 F with a light breeze from the E.
We are using all natural camo face paint that we made from clay and tempura paint.  Non-toxic and very easy to wash off.  Watch the patterns change day to day...
All photos, here and future blog updates taken with my Samsung Galaxy SIII.

Nick walking in as the moon shines.

A blurry sunrise shot.  The camera did not know what to focus on.

A terrible location for me to post - looking directly into the sun.  Walked E to woods so I could see.


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