Thanksgiving Traditions

Most of you have heard the story before, but here it goes again...

Since I was 13, I have joined my Dad, Cousin Shane, and Uncle DC in the deer woods.  Our "Thanksgiving Dinner" was usually a cold ham sandwich and a pop.  Back then, you could only shoot bucks in Indiana, so we usually came home empty handed.

Flash forward to 2018 (last year) and it's the first year that the 'Old Men' decided against hunting.  We Young Bucks were still planning on going, but we ended up at the barn telling stories and maybe drinking a cold 'pop' or two.

This year, we didn't even pretend that we were going out hunting.  Instead we met at the barn at 8 am just for the purpose of seeing everyone and reconnecting.

What Uncle DC shared was that this was the first time since 1961 (58 years) that he has not purchased an Indiana Hunting License. 

I planned ahead and brined a deer roast and 3 pheasant breasts prior to smoking them on Wednesday.  I cut them up along with some Simpson's deer salami, crackers, three types of bourbon, and a cold case. 

We sat in the barn and told stories for 3 hours.  Cousin Shane's entire family made it back for Thanksgiving and we even got to meet Boyfriend Rocco (sp?).  Brent & Stacy arrived late to the party but we did get to see them. 

Next year we are taking the entire week of Thanksgiving off from work (vacation) and hunting together the whole week.  Already looking forward to that.

The Hunting Party - 3 generations

Coffee, Bourbon, Peach Schnapps, Beer & Mimosas were on tap this morning

The old men, the patriarchs, still telling lies!

Molly (puppy) enjoyed the crackers and the scraps we dropped on the floor too


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