Pheasant Hunting 2019

Me and Davey and RePhil and Krueger just got back from an awesome pheasant hunting trip in North-East Nebraska (about 20 minutes S of the Missouri River).  We went with an old buddy of mine I met at work.  He retired and built a lodge out there in Nebraska.  This is the third year we have visited with Kent to hunt pheasants.

We drove out last Thursday with no issues.  We hunted birds on Friday, walking over 8 miles in the tough stuff.  We hunted Saturday in our t-shirts as the temps hit 70 degrees.  We put another 7.5 miles that day.  On Sunday, the weather came in.  The high was 35 and it was 24 at last light with 20 mph winds.  We only put on 5.5 miles on Sunday.

We got up early and drove home Monday.  There were about 2, maybe 3, inches of snow on the ground and it was blowing.  We made okay time until Coralville, IA where we got off the interstate and took back roads all the way home.  It was slow, but at least we were moving instead of sitting on I-74.

The Good Lord gave us another wonderful hunt with great pals.  That's all we can ask for.  The birds?  Well, we bagged 11 of them and they were just the bonus.

Enjoy some photos...
Walking out on our first day - bright blue skies

In some taller stuff now

Got some birds to bring home

The Gang of Pheasant Hunters - in t-shirts - rehydrating!

Kent (guide) is admiring the beautiful bird I just downed.
We put a tape on the tail - 21.75" - NICE!

The four amigos at sundown on day 2 (Saturday)

A BEAUTIFUL Nebraska Sunset

Pictures hardly do it justice.  God created a pretty special world.
We're just glad we get to experience it with great friends doing what we love.


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