Deer Day 5 - Saturday, 23 NOV

It was a cold, frosty morning.  Alex, Eric, and I met RePhil on the golf course.  We stayed out until RePhil had to leave at 9:30.  Something about being "whipped" and having to go home.

RePhil sat on Jenkin's NW side.  Eric was over-watch on 16.  Alex was down in the bowl on 15.  I sat in the fence row on the N side of the course along Hole 11.  This is where the buck ran out opening weekend.  I am now W of his path and will shoot to the E.  Cannot shoot W due to houses.

It was pretty, but the only deer we saw never offered a shot.  Poor Alex never even saw a deer.

Still a beautiful day to be out.

Sitting in the fence row, facing SE.
Not the frost.  Chilly.


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