Deer Day 4 - Friday, 22 NOV

RePhil came over tonight and we went out to Marhall's.  Actually, he sat in the E deer stand on Neal.  He never saw a thing.  Me?  Well since I had seen the two doe on top last night, I walked in on top this evening.

I walked to the second finger, one N of Bailey's house.  I sat in the woods, over-looking the bottoms.  I watched a young buck come from the N and enter the finger.  He chased out two doe.

I put the cross hairs on the closest one and squeezed the trigger.  Click.  Seems I did not have the bolt closed far enough.  I racked it again.  This time - success.

RePhil and I went to get the Gator to haul her out.  It was a nice evening to be out.

In the woods, over-looking the bottoms

Sun going down over the beans

It's November 22nd and the corn is still standing in Indiana!
Makes for a pretty picture though.


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