Deer Firearms Day 2 - SUN NOV 17

We had a thinned out crowd for our Sunday hunt at the golf course.  Nick & Kathy slept in.  So Alex, Eric, and I went back to the course.  This time Alex sat on 16, Eric back in the bowl on 15, and I walked just N of 14's tee box where deer like to bust N.

It was colder today by 10 degrees, being 25 out.  Frost was everywhere.  Poor Alex had a buck run by him at about 10 yards.  He said he nearly wet himself.  Running, so not shot.  Not that he could have hit it anyway in his condition of fright.

Mr. Fox came trotting by again this morning.  This time I saw him before he saw me and I got some photos.  I did not zoom in, but you can tell there is a red fox in the picture.  

Next thing I know, Alex shoots twice.  Said he had a doe down.  Eric was seeing a lot of deer, just none close enough for a shot.

I had a mama and a yearling run out of the woods from the S and pass W of me - just as I had planned.  They stopped at the property line and I took a shot.  They were a little bit farther than I had anticipated and I completely missed (verified by looking / tracking and finding no spore).  Musta been my slice.

Alex had to leave at 9 to attend church.  As he walked out, he pushed a yearling N that passed between me and Eric that was way too far for either of us to shoot.

I went back to the truck at 10 and hot-wired a golf cart.  I went to pick up Eric and he was standing with RePhil and Aaron.  They had climbed down and walked over for a beer.  So beer-thirty it was. 

Eric and I then retrieved Alex's doe.  She stunk.  We knew Alex hit her guts.  This was later verified when we gutted her.  Whew!  Alex owes us big time.

Sunrise on the golf course this morning

Might have to zoom in, but Mr. Red Fox is center pic.

Eric, RePhil and A-A-Ron

This is how you haul deer on a golf course.


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