Deer Season? How about a Coyote Hunt?

We have been seeing and hearing ole Wile E. Coyote all over the farm.  We have had plans to hunt them for a few weeks, but Mother Nature is conspiring against us.  Even today she supplied a nice gust of 10 mph winds - and we went hunting anyway.

We set up at the S property line and called E to the woods behind the retirement village.  Nothing.
Nick did call Alex and sent me a text.  He heard a rabbit in distress, faintly.  But after hearing the coyote pups in distress he knew someone was calling coyotes.  Wanted to make sure it was us.  Funny.

We drove all the way N and set u E of Katzman's.  Same.

Finally, we drove all the way across Kirkoff's to Pyle and called the Lewis & Clark woods into the wind.  A nice 6-point buck came running to the mouse distress call.  He stood less than 100 yds away just watching and listening.  I played a buck grunt and fawn in distress call - way too loud.  He bolted after standing there at least 5 minutes.  Easy pickings in rifle season.  But today, he lives on.

It was 50 degrees F, full sun, and 10 mph wind.  Not ideal for coyote calling but tonight we have plans (Lodge practice) so we could not be out too late.  Sunset is 5:45 here in Indiana thanks to daylight savings time (POS).

Enjoy some pictures...

I was hunting with my .300 Blackout, suppressed.
SE property line, called to the E, wind mostly NE.

Alex used his .223 and we are close enough to Nick's
for him to hear our calls.

In the far NW corner of Kirkoff's (the old Dieter property) 
facing back to the SE toward Mulberry.  In fact, the water 
tower is in there if you blow up this picture.

Our set up on Pyle - calling SW into the wind.
The deer is up there on the hill right now.

A close-up of the deer.  He stood there for at least 5 minutes.


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