Trap Club 2019

Well that'll probably be the end of the season for the Mulberry Men's Trap Club (a private organization that has membership CLOSED due to being full up right now).

We meet on the fourth Thursday of each month to throw some clay pigeons and blow up some gun powder.  The goal is to improve our wing shooting for doves, ducks, geese and pheasants.  Does it work?  Who cares!  We have a great time.

Sometimes there are as many as 12 of us.  Sometimes just 2.  It depends on what you have going on that day as to whether or not you make it.

Generally we shoot from 7 - 9 pm.  But with the season getting long, the sun is down by 8:15 and by 8 it's almost too dark to even see the clays.

Sure was purty tonight as we cleaned up and headed home.

Sun setting on the Seager Ranch 26 SEP 2019

Most of the shooters tonight.


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