Grisson Air & Space Expo

Grandson Will took Daddy Alex and me to the air show up at Grissom Air Base.  We bought the VIP pass so that we could park and shuttle, get free food, and have access to the kids' area with like 8 or more Bouncy Houses.

We arrived as the gates opened at 8:30 am.  We parked in the first row.  We had to wait 15 mins for the shuttle, but we did not visit the museum.  The Bouncy Houses were FIRST on the list.

We got through security and then found our way to the donut stand.  We visited several planes and helicopters.  We bought toys and drinks.  Then we grabbed our seats for the show.

The show opened with the Army's Golden Knights parachute team bringing in the American Flag while the Star Spangled Banner played.  Then the air show began - starting with the oldest planes and working their way up to the newest jets.

This did not last.  It was Bouncy House time.  I am not sure how long we stayed at the Bouncy Houses - but there was a FULL hangar dedicated to them.  It was like a miniature county fair in there - and surprisingly, not crowded.  Will RAN from house to house and would probably still be there if we did not force him to leave.

But look at the pictures.  The little guy had a blast!

We walked back to our car and made it by 2 pm - just the time the jets had taken to the air.  My iPhone health tracker said we walked 5.5 miles while there - and I bet it was more like 6.5 for Will.  And no, he did not make it 2 minutes in the car once buckled in and with a drink.  He slept the entire way home.  Success.

I had forgotten just how LOUD those jets are.  I am telling you this, if I am a ground pounder and I hear those jets fly over on a low pass, I am probably going to wet myself a little.  Wow.  Loud.

A couple of jet pictures.  Just pure eye candy.

Will went up this slide - but refused to come down.
Daddy had to go save him.

And yet, coming down was FUN.

This was Will's favorite house.  You can just see the top of his head as 
he entered this house for the 1,000th time.
Jump in, thru the boppers, under, more boppers, over, ladder, slide, exit - REPEAT.

This is Will running back to do it again!
Look at how red his little hot face is.
Didn't bother him in the least.


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