Happy Days with the Grands

Just posting some pictures of the Grandkids.  Why?  Because it makes me happy!

On this day, even though totally capable herself, Miss Mallory decided it
would be a good idea for Grandma to do the heavy lifting!

Scarfing down some Mac & Cheese.  Who don't love Mac & Cheese?
Unfriend me now...

Will & Hadley going off-roading in their "Police Car"
Zoom in.  You can actually see their tracks in the yard.

"Where ya going Will?"  "To my house."
"The battery won't last that long.  You'd better turn around."
"I was just 'tending..."

Headed back to fix the 'mergency.

Trying to run over Papaw!
Now you can clearly see their tracks in the grass behind them.

Stopped for a second to get this photo op.
I love how Hadley has her hands just folded there - 
La-tay-da.  Just here for the ride!


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