Event - Backcountry Hunters & Anglers / Ruffed Grouse Society

Not only am I the current president of Pheasants Forever's Clinton County Chapter 507, but I am also a member of the Backcountry Hunters & Anglers (BHA) and the Ruffed Grouse Society (RGS).  Well it turns out those latter two clubs got together and held an event in Bloomington, IN on Saturday, SEP 28.  Pheasants Forever has several chapters in Indiana.  These two organizations have only one chapter for the entire state.  So there is lots of traveling involved.

Alex and I drove 1 hour 50 mins from Mulberry to Bloomington.  Nick couldn't go as he's working on a term paper.  We all met at the Irish Lion Pub, just one block S and W of the courthouse.

This was a meet & greet and beer tasting gathering.  We arrived just in time for the raffle.  Numerous onX Hunt memberships were given out, an elk bugle, and Vortex binoculars.  After which, Alex and I ordered lamb for dinner while enjoying local brews.

We chatted to several officers of each club and some new members, like me.  What impressed me most was the passion of those two organizations.  These folks are truly committed to the mission!

With that, I suggested we work together as we are all about conserving habitat.  I invited both organizations to our PF annual banquet in April.

We also learned that the majority of folks hear about BHA from a podcast called Meat Eaters.  I've never listened to this podcast, but have put it on my list.  Me?  I heard about BHA from brother Trent.  I joined the RGA while attending the PF national convention last February.

And then we made the 1 hour 50 min drive back home.  Good eats, good beer, and great people.  Glad we went.

Check these organizations out.  Not a member?  Why not?


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