Firearms Season Day 4 - Sunday, 20 NOV

Well we hit the golf course this morning.  It was 25 degrees, but the wind was not near as bad as the previous day.  And today we took Davey with us.

Our plan was to push deer starting at 8:45 so that Kathy and Alex could get to church.  That never materialized, as a buck walked by at 40 yards.  Game over.

It was a small one, rack wise - a 4-pt.  But it had a nice sized body.  And hey, they all eat about the same.

We commandeered a golf cart for "hauling" it out.  We know, we're not right, but we work Smarter not Harder.

A beautiful morning on the golf course!

Didn't have to drag this bad boy more than 30 yards - 
and then DROVE him back to the truck.
A little cooler water and the carts looks as good as new.


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