Deer Firearms Season - Opening Day 12 NOV 2016

First of all, a huge Thank You to all the Veterans, both past and present, for your service to this Great Nation!  And a Happy Veterans Day to you all.

Today, Saturday, November 12, 2016 opened firearms season for deer in Indiana.  And this year, the rules have changed to allow for high powered rifles to be used for the first time for hunting deer in Indiana.  For the record, none of us used rifles, we stuck with our shotguns and I took my .458 SOCOM.  Not that we are opposed to the law, we just chose to stay with what's worked since we started.

Kathy, Alex, Nick, and I headed for the golf course this morning at 6:15 and it was a crisp 25 degrees F.  There was frost everywhere.  The wind, however, was almost non-existent.  Nice!

We sat for three hours.  I jumped two doe walking in and it was too dark to shoot.  They snorted as they ran off and spooked a fox.  Mr. Fox was in range, but the landowner does not want us shooting them.  A small 6-pt buck walked by at 100 yards.  I put him in my scope, but did not pull the trigger as he was walking directly to Kathy.  She never got a shot.  I figured as soon as I shot him, a 14-pt buck would walk under my nose and I would not be able to shoot him as Indiana has a one-buck only law.  So I saved my tag and probably jinxed myself into not seeing another buck all season.

Nick saw nothing but squirrels.  Kathy called it when she got cold.  We walked out without seeing any more deer.  We also did not hear many shots - like 8 maybe.

RePhil was on Jenkins to our E.  He saw nothing.  Davey was hunting Marshall by the fertilizer plant - he saw nothing.

Dad and DC hunted Carroll County - DC saw a buck and a doe, but no shots.  Dad saw nothing.

So while deer were seen, no shots were taken.  It matters not.  It was a great day.  We have our health, we live in a great country, and we exercised our Second Amendment rights by hunting with family.  Awesome!

Frost on the golf course early in the morning on Opening Day

Over-watch on Hole 5.  The doe were down there early this morning.

Most of the hunting party - staying hydrated!


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