Wet Snow Havoc - Sunday, 22 NOV

Well as beautiful as the snow was yesterday, it is not our friend this morning.  My bride had to be at work at 0800.  So she wisely auto-started her car to warm up while she got ready.

Unfortunately, that wet and heavy snow melted down all over our vehicles - and then Mr. Snow Miser and Mother Nature dropped the temperature to 4 degrees!  So what happened???  Our doors froze shut.

I scraped all the snow I could off of her car.  We let it go through two cycles of self-start / warm-up.  And we still could not open a single door.  Of course this was after I pulled open the truck doors - which were also frozen - to get out my scraper.

So, I warmed up the truck and took my bride to work.  She didn't want to drive the truck anyways and besides, I'll need it this afternoon for hunting.  I guess we both win.

I am hoping that Big Red shines on the dark colored cars and warms them up a bit - at least enough so we can open some doors.  Temperature is not supposed to be above 27 today.  That's not too conducive to melting ice.

As pretty as the snow was, it has us locked out of our cars now.


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