Hunt Day 11 - Weds, 25 NOV

Nick and I went out at 7 am this Wednesday.  It was 36 degrees F with only a slight wind.  When we arrived at Marshall's N woods, Harold was already on the tractor planting grass seed.

We sat for two hours.  Neither of us saw any deer, but I did see a coyote (Latin:  Indominus Rex).  It was across the property line, and although I had two good chances to shoot it, I dare not cross that line.  I did mess with it a bit by squeaking.  My guess a small female.

We walked out a 9.  Harold was just leaving so we chatted with him a bit.

We had a birthday party for Grant and then Date Night, so no more hunting today.

The "real" Indominus Rex, in case you did not catch it above.


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