Hunt Day 12 - Thanksgiving 2015

As has been the custom for the past 34 years (well at least for me - for Dad, probably more like 50+), our family goes deer hunting on Thanksgiving.  This year, we mixed it up a bit - we all slept in and did not hunt this morning.  And to a person, NO ONE can remember the last time we slept in on Thanksgiving; not Dad, Uncle DC, Cousin Shane, me, Nick, Kathy, no one.  And you know what?  It felt kinda good to sleep in.  We must be getting old.

Cousin Shane did not have the time away from the family to hunt this year, so he stopped by for a quick visit and a nice Sun King Wee-Mac beer.  Mighty tasty.  We had a short, but awesome, visit.

Selfie in the gator.  Drinking Wee-Mac and taking a farm tour.

We all loaded up this afternoon at 3:  Dad, Kathy (her first time out this year), Nick, Alex, and me.
It was 63 degrees F with a 22 mph wind gusting in all directions.  That kind of weather is "Kathy hunting" weather.

The kids loading up, ready to hunt.  Note the sunshine!  

Kathy and Alex sat on Neal.  Dad sat on Vice's tree farm.  Nick and I sat on Marshall; him in killing finger and me in bottoms.  We all sat for 1 hour.  I started to walk.  When I got even horizontally with Nick and Dad, I sent out a group text.  I had not taken another 20 steps when Nick shot.

I had chased a doe out of the finger to the N of Nick.  He said he did not know if he hit her.  I told him to check.  He walked up and jumped her again - and she offered another shot.  This time he fell her on the spot with a neck shot at 80 yards.  His first shot?  Total miss.  Why did this deer stick around and let Nick have another chance?  We don't know.  But Nick did catch some crap from his sister for missing the first time.  The rest of us?  We saw nothing.

Nick and his Thanksgiving Doe.
Shout out to our sponsor Land Shark beer.

We've picked up Grandpa now.  He's hunting this Thanksgiving with his grandkids!
Land Shark, Land Shark, Land Shark, Land Shark.  4 Land Sharks.
Kathy is holding mine.  Note the preggo belly.

Sun going down on Thursday, 26 NOV - Thanksgiving night.

What a wonderful way to celebrate Thanksgiving!


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