Elk Day 1 - Monday 28 Oct

Up at 5, picked up Dad at 5:30 and hit airport at 6:30. Plane ride Indy to Denver was cramped. Some might even say it sucked. I'm one of the latter. Had 40 mins in Denver to switch planes. Turbo prop to Grand Junction. No issues. Denver was almost fogged in, but GJ was breezy and 63 F.

We cruised at an altitude of 24,000 ft across the Rockies. Some snow up there on the mtn tops.

Originally, I had rented a Ford Escape, but when our gear wouldn't fit, we knew there was no way 4 of us were riding in that. We upgraded to a Ford Excursion - much better. I even social engineered a better rate on the upgrade. Trent and Christina arrived one hour after us.

We drove for pizza and ate a late lunch. There was some talk about fruit smoothies with flax oil seed, but the Midwest reply was the Westerners would be having fried opossum. Cooler heads prevailed and the pizza was quite good.

We shopped for a few groceries and then hit the ranch. We unpacked and met our guide, Jason. We sighted in our rifles and Jason said we had enough time to hunt. We drove up Cow Mtn. Now the word "drive" here does really not do it justice. We crept up a one-lane path with switchbacks sooo sharp the truck could not make them without a 4-pt turn around. Not something you want to do if there is lots of snow. At least I don't!

We scouted for 2.5-3 hours but the wind was too nasty for the elk to be out. Regardless, we saw mule deer, turkeys, pheasants, chukar, and ducks. Saw some awesome scenery. We hiked about 200 yards, but at 8,400 ft, we were winded climbing back up to the truck.

Jerry and guide Jason overlooking Kimble Creek from atop Cow Mtn

Back at the cabin by 7:15. Changed and went to the main house for a late four course dinner. Christina joined us and said she SAW elk as they were driving out - about six cows.

Plan is to get up before 6 and hit the road by 6:30. We consider tonight a bonus hunt because we did not expect to get out. One thing I learned, no matter how nice the weather is at the lodge, take lots of clothes to the mountains. It was windy and 42 degrees up there. Will be warmer tomorrow.

Looking forward to a good night's sleep and shooting some elk tomorrow!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:De Beque, Colorado, United States


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