Deer Day 4 - Sunday 06 OCT - We SAW Some!

Yes, the weather did change.  It was misting really well this morning, but RAIN is predicted until afternoon.
Nick and Alex went out in that crap but Kathy and I stayed home on the couch.  Me because I was not feeling well, and Kathy because she's smarter than the rest of us.

The boys saw ONE deer on the way to the stands and pushed her north.  They came home by 9:30 and had to put their clothes in the drier.

Screen shot of RAIN they hunted in.

We watched football most of the afternoon.  The Colts beat Seattle! Yea!  And then the skies cleared and the sun came out.  And it's about 55 degrees.  Yea again.  We loaded up and hit the woods at 4:30 - all four of us.  Nick sat on Vice; Kathy & Alex took the stands on Neal; and I walked N on Marshall.  Davey and Krueger were hunting on Marshall's W woods.  Krueger ended up sticking a button buck that they processed.  Glad I forgot my phone or they might have called for help.

Nick bumped a doe on the N end of Vice's tree farm - and it went past Kathy & Alex at Mach 3.  I walked N and sat on the ridge where I saw Nick waving at me from the bottoms.  He was too far South.  We exchanged hand signals and got him to understand he needed to be farther N.  He moved N until he saw deer crossing the creek father N.  So he stalked them.  They spooked.

It was so windy that Kathy's ladder to the stand was pulled up from the ground.  She decided that she's had enough and climbed down.  As she pulled out a Klenex to blow her nose, a small 4-point buck snorted behind her.  It was close enough for a shot and on the right property, but once spooked, it was Game Over.
It snorted again and ran N - never to be seen by Alex.

At about 7, with the wind and 53 degree temps, Kathy was in the truck.  I crossed the creek and jumped 4 doe that crossed W at the sycamore tree where Nick was originally sitting and ran S.  Nick texted the rest of the gang to meet us at the bridge.  We were out by 8 pm.  Nick saw 4, I saw 4, Kathy saw 2 and Alex saw 1.  Kathy took this sunset picture as she was walking back to the truck.

Sunset Sunday October 6th 2013

I grilled chops for dinner and Sandy cooked cabbage and macaroni & cheese.  It feels more like fall now with the cooler temps.  The woods smell sweet too.  Nothing like the mid-west hardwoods for a wonderful aroma while out hunting deer.

Nothing in the freezer yet - the tribe is still going hungry.  But we're having fun and making memories.  That's what it's all about!


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