Deer Season 2013 - Opening Day - 01 OCT

October 1st each year is pretty much a state holiday in Indiana - or at least it should be - as it is the opening day for deer season (archery).

That being said, most of us had to work because it fell on a Tuesday for 2013.  We ended up hitting the woods by 4:30 pm, giving us 3.5 hours until 30 minutes past sunset (last legal light).

Kathy and Alex met me at the house.  We loaded up and hit the woods.  Those two walked N to sit in the stands on Neal.  I hoofed it down the road to the bridge on Marshall - and never got to hunt...

First of all, the road was really busy.  As I walked past Dan's barn, he came out and we spent probably 15 minutes catching up.  Before I could make the bridge, the neighbor to the E (Andrew) stopped me to chat.  Another 15 minutes gone.  I got into my spot toward the S of the property, which was probably too close to the road, but my intent was to observe - and Mr. Andrew came back to chat.  However, this time he stayed in his vehicle and just yelled to me in the woods - no deer around now...

Next car by was Davey.  I called his cell phone and made him turn around.  It was 5:30.  He pulled in and before he could even get out of the car, Harold showed up.  We chatted for the next HOUR.

By now, Kathy had texted me and said she jumped 2 doe walking in, and fortunately, they ran toward Alex.  He saw them, but they never got close enough for a shot.  I had Dave drive me back to the truck and we sat on the tailgate and drank some brews.

The kids showed up about 7:30 and said that it was dark enough in the woods that they didn't want to shoot for fear of losing the animal.  On our way back to town, we saw 2 more doe cross the road in front of us.

The weather is not cooperating with us right now.  It was 74 F with 7 mph winds from the SW at 4:30.  The deer are going to remain nocturnal as long as it stays this warm.  We need it to cool down a bit to get them moving during hunting hours.

Regardless, it was a good day - we saw deer in the woods while hunting.  That is our definition of "good."

Alex & Kathy Opening Day Archery 2013


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