Deer Hunting Day 16 - Sun, Nov 11

Nick, RePhil and I headed for Marshall / Neal this fine Sunday morning.  Nick and RePhil hit the two stands on Neal and I walked in on Marshall's bottom ground by the creek.  We got out a little late, as you can tell the sun is already coming up at about 7:40 am.

Nick and Craig ready for Sunday morning's hunt.

Before I even got to the bottoms, two doe came up from the S and crossed the road in front of me.  I watched them run N through the bottoms and turn W.  I slowly walked N along the creek.

About half way through, I saw a 4-point buck cruising from the S to the N.  He turned and followed the doe.

Then Chuck Buck showed up, along the same path as junior.  He continued N until he winded me and then turned W.  I continued my walk along the creek.

About at the end, I saw another doe in the bottoms, but she was walking W and S.  So far, I have seen 5 deer and no shots were available.

I got to the end and started through the woods when 20 geese flew over.  I grabbed my camera to get a picture, but I had to move to get out of the trees.  In doing so, deer #6 (a doe) on the Colonel's land spooked and ran N.  Didn't get the picture either.

I climbed up to the point where I shot my buck earlier and had 2 more doe come down along the creek.  I was getting ready to shoot when a woodpecker set of his alarm.  The doe spooked and ran E across Colonel's and disappeared.

I had about 5 squirrels running around and took the time to watch 2 behind me chasing around the tree.  It soon became obvious that it was a male squirrel and a female squirrel.  They were twiterpated.

I walked out about 10 am to the top and saw that there was still corn standing in the field above (way behind us at the wood line in the picture above).  So, it's no wonder that any of the deer running N and W of me never made it to Nick and RePhil.  They did not see anything today.


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