Deer Day ?? + 1, Friday, 11/23

Nick, Eric and I got up and out this morning to hit the golf course.  Arrived and ready by 7 am.  Legal shooting light was 7:12.

Nick walked up 18 to 11, down 14 to sit on 15's tee box.  He jumped a buck and a doe on 14.  Too far for a shot.

Eric walked around 9 and sat on 16 along the woods.

I walked hole 1, across 3 and sat on #4, middle of the fairway behind a tree.

I had four doe (mama and 3 yearlings) come out to my W at about 50 yards, below #4's tee box.  I stepped behind the tree to cock my muzzle loader (I carry my muzzle loader throughout shotgun season).  The deer spooked and ran back up to #3's green - but still only 100 yards away.

I put my cross hairs on mama's chest and squeezed the trigger.  All four took off to the S.  I reloaded and walked over to survey for blood.  Nothing.

I found where mama was standing (prints) and where my bullet struck the hillside.  I shot completely under her.  Bad form.

Not ten minutes later, I hear two shots from N of me.  Nick sends a text.  Doe under him at 30 yards.  Two misses, but we did find hair.  She should of run directly to Eric, but we think she took of W.

So today, three shots fired and zero deer.

And now, the wind has really picked up.  It's blowing at a steady 25 mph with gusts to 44 mph.  The poor Christmas lights on the eaves are dangling too low now.  Although it did finally cool off.  It was 60 degree yesterday.  The high today is only 39.  It was a bit nippy out there this morning.

We're still hunting and we're still having fun!


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