Deer Day ?? - 17 NOV Opening Week-end

Well, my hopes of updating this for every day (i.e. journal) have gone to pot the past week.
We have been out and about - early mornings, evenings, etc.  Suffice to say that we've had our chances, seen deer, gotten shots, and only added 2 to the pot.

Kathy, Alex, Nick, Eric and I went out to Marshall / Boyd on Saturday morning, the 17th.

Colonel Vice had a party at his deer camp next door.  Heard them making noise (grunting, rattling, etc), but no shots over there either.

Kathy, if she hadn't been waiting on the big buck, could of had a nice doe.  No one else even had a shot.

It was a nice morning though.

Sun coming up on Marshall on Opening Day.

We called it quits by 11 and came back in for some grub.

The Tribe having some liquid nourishment before calling it a day.


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