
Showing posts from September, 2019

Event - Backcountry Hunters & Anglers / Ruffed Grouse Society

Not only am I the current president of Pheasants Forever's Clinton County Chapter 507, but I am also a member of the Backcountry Hunters & Anglers (BHA) and the Ruffed Grouse Society (RGS).  Well it turns out those latter two clubs got together and held an event in Bloomington, IN on Saturday, SEP 28.  Pheasants Forever has several chapters in Indiana.  These two organizations have only one chapter for the entire state.  So there is lots of traveling involved. Alex and I drove 1 hour 50 mins from Mulberry to Bloomington.  Nick couldn't go as he's working on a term paper.  We all met at the Irish Lion Pub, just one block S and W of the courthouse. This was a meet & greet and beer tasting gathering.  We arrived just in time for the raffle.  Numerous onX Hunt memberships were given out, an elk bugle, and Vortex binoculars.  After which, Alex and I ordered lamb for dinner while enjoying local brews. We chatted to several officers of each club and some new members,

Canned Jalapenos / Bourbon Snob / Deer Steaks

Sunday afternoon.  4:30 pm  September 29, 2019. One of Sandy's coworkers & friend passed along a bag of jalapenos for me to can.  So I did.  Washed them, cut them up, put them in Mason jars, and then covered them with a boiling mixture of 1/3rd water, 1/3rd vinegar, and 1/3 sugar.  The vinegar acts as a preservative and the sugar sweetens the peppers & reduces a bit of the heat.  I seal them up and then boil them on the stove - rolling boil for at least 5 minutes.  I do not use the pressure cooker for these.  The jalapenos will stay in the jar for at least 3 months, but preferably 6 months before opening to enjoy.  Must plan ahead so you do not run out! Three jars of jalapenos.  The bag in front holds the left-overs that would not fit in the jars.  I am going to smoke them. Note the difference in color from the 'cooked' jalapenos versus the fresh ones in the bag.  Two shades of green. As I am typing this blog, I sit here in front of my screen while si

Trap Club 2019

Well that'll probably be the end of the season for the Mulberry Men's Trap Club (a private organization that has membership CLOSED due to being full up right now). We meet on the fourth Thursday of each month to throw some clay pigeons and blow up some gun powder.  The goal is to improve our wing shooting for doves, ducks, geese and pheasants.  Does it work?  Who cares!  We have a great time. Sometimes there are as many as 12 of us.  Sometimes just 2.  It depends on what you have going on that day as to whether or not you make it. Generally we shoot from 7 - 9 pm.  But with the season getting long, the sun is down by 8:15 and by 8 it's almost too dark to even see the clays. Sure was purty tonight as we cleaned up and headed home. Sun setting on the Seager Ranch 26 SEP 2019 Most of the shooters tonight.

Grisson Air & Space Expo

Grandson Will took Daddy Alex and me to the air show up at Grissom Air Base.  We bought the VIP pass so that we could park and shuttle, get free food, and have access to the kids' area with like 8 or more Bouncy Houses. We arrived as the gates opened at 8:30 am.  We parked in the first row.  We had to wait 15 mins for the shuttle, but we did not visit the museum.  The Bouncy Houses were FIRST on the list. We got through security and then found our way to the donut stand.  We visited several planes and helicopters.  We bought toys and drinks.  Then we grabbed our seats for the show. The show opened with the Army's Golden Knights parachute team bringing in the American Flag while the Star Spangled Banner played.  Then the air show began - starting with the oldest planes and working their way up to the newest jets. This did not last.  It was Bouncy House time.  I am not sure how long we stayed at the Bouncy Houses - but there was a FULL hangar dedicated to them.  It was li

Happy Days with the Grands

Just posting some pictures of the Grandkids.  Why?  Because it makes me happy! On this day, even though totally capable herself, Miss Mallory decided it would be a good idea for Grandma to do the heavy lifting! Scarfing down some Mac & Cheese.  Who don't love Mac & Cheese? Unfriend me now... Will & Hadley going off-roading in their "Police Car" Zoom in.  You can actually see their tracks in the yard. "Where ya going Will?"  "To my house." "The battery won't last that long.  You'd better turn around." "I was just 'tending..." Hilarious! Headed back to fix the 'mergency. Trying to run over Papaw! Now you can clearly see their tracks in the grass behind them. Stopped for a second to get this photo op. I love how Hadley has her hands just folded there -  La-tay-da.  Just here for the ride!

Doves at MPK's

Forgot to post this, but we actually went over to Michael's on Labor Day with a kid from Purdue, Josh.  I say "kid," but he's actually like 22.  Kid to me. Anyways, he did not have a place to hunt doves since he is at college.  Michael invited him out.  We set up at 7:15 am.  I had to bolt by 10:30.  We bagged about a dozen that we cleaned and sent them home with the Purdue student. We had a good time, even though the shooting was difficult. A field full of Mojo decoys! Michael readying up his gun, while Riley waits patiently Game on!  Watching for doves. Picture taken facing S. Looking out across the road.  A bit foggy this morning. A downed dove resting on my Winchester SX4 shotgun. This one was retrieved by Riley.  Good dog! Josh (Purdue student) & MPK north of me in the corn. Pic taken facing N.

Doves Day 2 - Sunday 8 SEP

We attempted a second time around on dove hunting here at the Seager Ranch.  Sunday morning, Sept. 8 @ 0730, five of us spread out along the lane.  Saw a rainbow early. Shooting was fast and furious for the first two hours.  Instead of 1-2 doves coming in at a time, we had flocks of them - like 10 - 15 coming in.  Most times, not many died.  Some times though we got lucky and bagged a few.  We even saw ducks and pigeons flying.  One duck came right over our heads at about 10 yards.  Would have been an easy kill shot if only duck season were in. I will admit, I it took me at least ten shots (maybe 15) before I got in the groove.  We're talking zero birds for 15 shots fired!  The guys started calling me 'RePhil!'  But then, I found my groove.  Didn't miss much after that. Davey, Michael, Zach, Alex, and I did better than the seven of us that hunted opening day.  We didn't add as many birds to the larder as opening day, but our percentage was higher.  25 more dov

Dove Opener @ The Seager Ranch 01 SEP 2019

Well sadly not everyone could make it this year - we were down to only seven of us, but we seven (shall I even say, Magnificent Seven) made a time of it! The day started off with rain, rain, and rain - not a lot, like 3/4", but all darn stopped about 1:30 pm.  Perfect for our 4 pm hunt time. We split up into three groups and spread out along the lane from N to S - 2 on the pond, 2 here at the house, and 3 at the curve.  We put out Mojo decoys and laid out some ground decoys for effect. Man, did we see the doves!  We lost count after 150, but they were everywhere.  They cooperated a little, but did not make it too easy on us. We hunted from 4 - 6 pm, then took a break.  I cooked deer brats (sliced into thin bits and then fried in oil) that we ate right off the grill.  I also had a tube of salami ready.  It's gone.  Mama made cookies and fresh zucchini bread for dessert.  Fantastic! We hit the field again - this time without Kathy, but with Will (he didn't

Labor Day Weekend - Picking Apples with the Grands!

We went out to Smith Farms, SE of Mulberry, and picked apples with two of the grandkids.  Plan is for the girls to make apple butter and cider, and then freeze the rest.  That way, come winter, we can have apple crisp! Guessing the neighbors to the S picked at least 50# as we came home with 25#.  It didn't take long at all as the tree were plumb FULL of apples.  This did not keep Will from running two rows over and three trees down to find more.  Oh well, it was an enjoyable Saturday afternoon. Little Will finding a prize And returning with his prize Miss Hadley gets in on the action with a little help from Grandma And she returns with 2! On the hunt for more sneaky apples They need to go in the bucket Even Mommy was there to help