Doves Day 3 - Labor Day - 05 SEP 2016

While the rest of America celebrates Labor Day by taking a day off and putting most everything on sale, nine of us got together to hunt what is becoming the ever-elusive dove.

The day started at 67 degrees with a slight breeze and hardly any clouds.  We posted up three groups of three at Burkhaulter's farm.  We set out our decoys and awaited the flurry of doves - that never came.

Kruger had previously mowed a picked wheat field.  The doves were crossing, and although we got some shots, we ended up with only twelve birds.

That didn't stop us from laughing, telling lies, and drinking some brewskis.

Krueger's dog Riley earned her keep by locating several birds.

We're not sure the doves have migrated down yet as it has not been cold enough.  We are not seeing many.

Davey, Michael, and Riley posted up for doves.

The picked and mowed wheat field we posted up on today.

What a pose my kids have made.  They look like toy soldiers, or like they are guarding the Queen.
Alex, Kathy, and Nick.  Oh my!

From L to R:  Alex, Davey, Michael, Nick, and Kathy
Drinking beer because the RePhil clan ain't got none.

Aaron, RePhil, and Eric with a Mojo Decoy and Riley in the background.
And yes, now they are drinking beer too.


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