And the Jeopardy Answer is: 61 years

The question is:  how long will it take a metal pipe to deteriorate if it is buried 5 feet underground in Indiana soil?

That's right.  Our supply line from the well to the house has a hole in it.  Mind you it's not a huge leak, thankfully.  It is however bubbling up from 5 feet underground.  Of course it must be below the frost line so it won't freeze.  But 5 feet seems a bit excessive to me.  I had to lay on the ground and get my head into the hole so I could reach the line.

Once confirmed, I have called in the professionals.  Hopefully they will make it out tomorrow (Tuesday).

And the most fortunate thing is that since it is a small pin hole, we still have water in the house.  That's about the only good news we got.  We'll see how much that will cost us.  Nothing that money can't fix.

Sending a Shout Out to my huntin' buddy Cousin Shane.  He had back surgery and is laid up.  About the only enjoyment he gets is reading this silly blog.  Hope you enjoy the updates Cuz!


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