Season Opener - Hunt Day 1 - 01 OCT 2015

And so it begins!  Well, at least for those of us NOT in an urban zone or NOT hunting with youth.  For us, the season opened on Thursday, 01 OCT 2015.  For those who do not know "what" season, get out.  Stop reading right now.  Leave.  This is not a place where you will find anything worth your time.  You are a loser and probably a liberal.  For certain your head is under a rock.  How'd you find this blog anyway?  Never mind, just move along...there is nothing for you here....

For the rest of you, Bam!  My wife just became a hunting widow for the next three months.  I took last week off to get at the list of 'Honey Do' items so that I could enjoy my time with Ma Nature.

Alex and I got up at 0620 this opening day.  We dressed, but not quite warm enough.  It was 45 F out there with 9 mph winds and gusts up to 13 mph.  That's chilly, if not down right cold.

We drove out to Marshall's N farm and parked on Neal - where the beans had already been picked!
Alex walked back to sit at the W stand on Neal.  I walked down the road and sat in the bottoms on Marshall.

I jumped two doe as I walked in.  They were on the S side of the road in the pasture.  They huffed and ran father S.  Oh well.  It was dark and they were on property I could not hunt anyway.  Why'd they spook?  I was not making any noise.  Nope, but I was walking like I had a marathon to win and I was still singing "I'm in a Hurry" by Alabama in my head - not paying attention to nothing.  My bad.
I slowed my pace, cleared my head, and walked on.  As I stepped off the road into the 'bush' I pushed another deer N off Bailey.  Never saw that one.

I enjoyed the sunrise and the cool temperature because it kept the mosquitoes away.  It's still VERY GREEN here in Indiana.  The leaves are just starting to change and the fields are just now starting to be taken out.

Round about 8:15, the construction crew showed up to start paving the road.  In fact, they put out signs closing the road.  With all their racket, I was positive that no deer were coming my way.  I loaded up and started back to the truck.  I made it up the hill past Bailey's when a vehicle stopped behind me - it was the new CO (conservation officer).

He asked how I was doing and if I'd seen anything.  I filled him in about the two at first light and the construction that was forcing me to leave.  He said I was the only person he'd seen out all day.  I volunteered my hunting license.  He didn't ask, but I had nothing to hide, so I handed it over.  We chatted about birds for a bit and then he drove on.

I drove back and picked up Alex about 0900 and we called it a day as we both had to get to work.

I consider it a great day because I got to see deer.  Poor Alex only saw 3 raccoons.

Alex on opening morning 2015.  
Camera facing E, Alex facing W.

Clouds during sunrise on a cool October morning.

Everything is still really green in central Indiana on Oct 1, 2015.


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