Hunt Day 3 - Friday, 09 OCT

I headed out at 4:30 pm tonight.  It was fully overcast, 63 degrees, and 20 mph winds coming out of the N.  Not the most ideal of conditions.

I parked at the bridge on Vice and walked the entire property.  It took me about 90 minutes, and I was still hunting.  I saw nothing but birds and squirrels.  The field on top and one W was coming out, but the noise certainly drove no deer to me.

The creek was as low as I can ever remember it being.  But the squirrels are fatter than I have ever seen.  It would take only 1 to feed a family of 4.  Bulking up to take over the world I reckon.

I got back in the truck and drove up to Marshall's.  The corn is still up, but Harold has taken out one head all the way around the field.  Makes for easy walking through corn.

I stayed for a bit, but called it by 6:30.  It was really windy and I had not seen anything.  Besides, I knew I had elk steaks marinating and cold beers at home.  Winning!

What did cross my mind as I stood there looking at all the Nature, is that if I were back in Africa, the quantity of animals I would be seeing right now would be off the charts.  Amazing...

Creek is low.

Looking N from Marshall to Neal.  
Beans out.  Corn still up.

Beef, Elk, and Yuengling on the grill.  Awesome eats!


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