Hunt Day 2 - Sunday, 04 OCT

Did not get home in time to go out Friday.  Saturday was cold and raining (and those of you at college football games or the Feast of the Hunter's Moon know exactly what I'm talking about).  I know, these are excuses, but darn good ones.  So it came down to Sunday to hunt.
Got the call from brother-in-law that he needed help moving his in-laws, so Nick and I spent the afternoon and evening hauling furniture.  Kathy and Alex made it out to the deer woods.

They took off about 4:30 pm and headed to Vice's tree farm.  It was 72 F, sunny, and very nice.  The wind was blowing about 5 mph from the E.

They bumped two doe as they walked in.  Alex drew his bow, but the trees were in the way and he never fired an arrow.  It would have been a nice 30-yard, quartering away shot, but denied.

Kathy sat by the creek and Alex in the trees.  They were visited by squirrels, who considered jumping on Kathy's head, but did not.  As they left about 7:00 pm (it gets dark in the woods quickly), they heard a deer in the creek.  They watched a six-point buck play in the creek for about 5 minutes.  Never offered a shot.  What was he doing?  Playing?  Washing?  He may have been ill and was trying to reduce his fever.  We do not know.

They saw four more deer on their drive out.  So there are deer out there, we just need to get us some.

Squirrels on the attack!

Why is it that when you are squirrel hunting, they NEVER do this?

There's a camo Alex in the middle of this picture.

Kathy's view of the creek over her crossbow.


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