Hunt Day 6 - Saturday 17 OCT

Well it's gotten really cold here in Indiana - at least for October anyway.  This morning it was 28 degrees F.  Fortunately the wind was a mere 3 mph from the W.

Nick and I loaded up at 7 and went to Marshall & Neal.  I walked to the bottoms and saw NADA again.  Nick sat at the Boyd / Neal / Marshall property lines and saw two by 8:30.  He texted me of his adventures, but never close enough for a shot.

We bagged it about 9 am because I was freezing.  Should have worn a heavy coat, like Nick.

We are not seeing the quantity of deer that we have seen in the past.  Wondering if chronic wasting disease is hitting them.

Regardless, we keep going out and enjoy our time in the woods.  Geese, red-tailed hawks, crows, squirrels, blue jays, raccoons, and all types of small birds join us on each trip.

9 am Saturday 17 OCT 2015.  Note my red face.  I'm freezing!


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