Deer Day 6 - Boys Morning Out - Sun 12 OCT

Alex, Nick, and I headed for the field this morning at 0630.  We dropped Nick off at the Colonel's and he walked to the creek.  Alex and I parked on Neal and Alex walked to the W stand.  I went to where I was yesterday, along the Marshall-Boyd line, in the beans.  It was a chilly 38F.  Winds were almost out of the due E at 10 mph - but they swirled, at least where I was.

The sun took its time coming up.  You may have been "legal" to fire an arrow at 7:30, but it was no where near light enough to do so.

Nick texted at 7:55 that deer were moving along the W ridge on Marshall - he could see across the creek, up the ridge line.  At 0800, four doe (mama and her triplets) came out S of the killing finger, walking West down the draining ditch - through the still standing beans.  Again, I had set up to catch them coming out of the woods across the beans to the NW.  Foiled again.

I sat in the fence row and did not move.  In fact, my legs went to sleep on me.  These four deer took their time - browsing to the N.  They crossed 50 yards W of me, right at the Marshall-Neal-Boyd property line.  Anyone set up there today would have had a nice 5 yard shot on a big doe.  It was not to be.  Interesting though, these deer were directly downwind of me (just like those on Friday), but they did not smell me - even as they crossed the path where I walked in.  The differences?  They were farther away (50 yards versus 20) and we stood in a campfire yesterday while checking on the Webelo Scouts at Andy's.  That had to of helped mask our human odor.

I called "No Joy" at 0830 as we had to get back and ready up for church.  As Nick stepped out of the wood line on Vice, he saw mama and baby at 50 yards.  They bolted.  Poor Alex, all he saw this morning were squirrels.  Still no shots fired - but we're still trying.

Weatherman predicts rain starting this afternoon and lasting the next three days.  Hard to say when we'll get back out again.


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