Washington Naval Yards & Gun Control Laws - Really?

First of all, my thoughts and prayers are with those families that have been impacted by this tragedy.  Sad.

And the first headline I read is, Diane Feinstein calling for more restrictive gun control laws.  In the article from the Daily Mail (UK), a Fort Hood sergeant says there is no need for any civilian to own an AR-15 style killing machine.  Seriously???

Ok, I've learned (the hard way) that not everyone thinks, feels, or believes as I do because they have not had the same experiences as I have.  Fine.  But let's not argue experiences, let's look at the facts.  (I've also learned that you cannot have a rational discussion with an irrational person - but I'm gonna try this anyway).

In the last 30 years, there have been 78 mass shootings (more than 4 people killed in a single incident), accounting for 547 deaths.  In those same 3 decades, 559,347 people have been murdered (source:  FBI).  That's less than one tenth of one percent of all murders coming from mass shootings.  Ah, but mass shootings do make headlines, don't they?  So let's jump on our pedestals and trump for taking away gun rights.

This pisses me off on so many levels.  Senator Feinstein should be concerned for the families of the victims instead of political power.  Second, you can't legislate out stupid.  If not guns, then something else will be used....holy cow, in fact they are...

Knives accounted for 5X the number of gun murders in 2012 and blunt objects (hands, feet, bats) accounted for 4X the murders in the same time frame.  How about cars?  44,000 deaths occur each year by car (speeding, drunk driving, etc) of which, 211 were children in 2012.  (Source:  FBI Unified Crime Report).

Think about that:  44,000 murders by car versus 323 murders by rifle last year.  Where's the outrage for banning cars?  Stop the insanity you liberal, power grabbing mongrels.

Here's what I want, I want the government to leave me alone.  Let me drink my 64 oz coke while smoking cigarettes at the rifle range with my AR-15.  Will I?  Probably not.  But there should not be a law against it if that's what I want to do.

The founding fathers put the power in the hands of the people - not in the government.  Ever wonder why Rome failed as a republic?

Well, there I go, not following my own advice.  Be careful what you put in writing.  Once on the internet, there forever.  This post will probably come back to haunt me.  I can just see it being used during my Senate Confirmation Hearings...or not...


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