Coyotes Getting Brave

Like the coyotes themselves, I am an opportunistic coyote hunter.  If one happens by and I have a weapon, I am going to attempt a kill.  I don't think I can count more than 3 I have harvested in my years.  All that not withstanding, the coyotes around my house are getting brave.

I have (and Sandy has) seen coyote scat in the lane before.  Coyotes mark their territories by leaving scat out in the open.  So, this does not surprise me.  However, as I was mowing the yard last night, I found a pile of scat on our driveway next to the parking lot.  Mind you, this is within 50 yards of the house.  And with two dogs in the yard.  Bold, very bold.

Since we are almost surrounded by standing corn, this really does make sense.  But, this is the first time I have seen it in our driveway.

So you're asking how I know it was coyote scat and not dog, cat, or some other creature.  Looks and Location.  Raccoon scat may appear similar, but not in this location.  My dogs, they leave bigger piles and not of this composition.

Interestingly enough, it was full of berries, like the photo below and not much hair or bones.

We've been hearing them during the daytime as well - howling at passing trains.

I'm afraid to set any traps because traps are indiscriminate.  That is, they don't care what they catch - dogs, cats, everything...

Guess the outside kitties better be on the look-out or they may become a meal for my dog's cousins.


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