Beans Out & Eagle Hunts

So the beans came out on the ranch yesterday (Saturday, Sept 28).  Great timing for Grant & Grace's visit.

Nick, Alex, and I are splitting the remaining wood in the barn.  Kathy pulls up in the Gator and says the kids are riding in the combine, does Alex want a ride?  He runs from the barn.  Nick and I finish the wood.

Even Boppum got in on the action and rode a round with Grace in the combine.  Meg took pictures.

Here's the neat bit.  A bald eagle - probably the one I have posted about before - flew around the combine.
What a smart bird.  S/he was waiting for the combine to push bunnies out and then come in for a quick meal.

Grace and Grandma in the combine

City Boy Alex in his first ever combine ride

Bald Eagle flying over combine


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