Red Tail Visit

So I'm sitting at my home office, actually doing work work and I catch movement out to my right.  Looking up, I see a red tailed hawk fly down in front of our W door next to Kathy's old room - where it landed.  I grab my digital camera, but before I can get it open, it hops to the E - now being N of Kathy's old room.  I really hope it was chasing moles!

So I run to Kathy's room and take a shot of it through the window and screen.  It does not like the movement and flies to the walnut tree.  I run to Nick's old room and take a picture there, this time without the screen in the way.

I snuck out the deck door and around the NE corner of the house, but it was gone.  Oh well, I got one good shot.

Hey Big Fella - you're welcome back any time - especially if you're eating moles.  Don't try and take one of Mama's kittens though.  She'll HUNT YOU DOWN!

Through screen in Kathy's old room.

In walnut tree outside of Nick's old room.


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