Pheasant & Duck Hunting 2017

Me, Davey, and RePhil drove out to Nebraska and met Phil's son Aaron (A-A-Ron) there.  We stayed in a luxurious cabin owned by Kent Burget.  Trust me, it was awesome.  We hunted pheasants for 2.5 days and ducks for 0.5 days.  And it was COLD.  The warmest day got up to like 23 F.  Brrr.

We had a blast.  Not a lot of birds died, but we would go back tomorrow.  My iPhone said we walked just short of 15 miles.  RePhil's FitBit said we did almost 17.  Regardless, walking in the high CRP grass while chasing dogs, it FELT like we had walked 40 miles!

As usual, I am creating My Secret Public Journal of the trip.  This is a PowerPoint presentation with all of the photos and my recollection of what happened on the trip (yes I do keep a daily written record in my journal as events unfold).  I do this so that we can remember all of the trips we have taken.  They are fun to go back and watch again even.  Please note that these slide shows represent what I want them to represent.  It's in writing so it's very difficult to refute what gets documented.  And yes, I have fun with these.  Is it a lot of work?  You Bet it is!  But, there would be no way to remember everything we've done if I didn't write it all down.  And these documents are just one of the many reasons why I will never get elected to congress.

So to you world, who will probably never see one of these Secret Journals, here is a taste of what happened on this trip...

Davey with a Pheasant kill and RePhil with what's left of a quail after being 
hit with 3" #4 shells at 20 yards.
THE Gang at the end of a long pheasant hunting day.
L-R:  Kent, RePhil, A.A.Ron, and Davey

A gorgeous Nebraska sunset.
Still think there is no such thing as God?

The sun coming up.
Taken from a duck blind in the middle of the Missouri River.

Doesn't this look like a painting? 
A mating pair of mallard ducks sitting on top of the duck blind.


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