Deer Firearms Day 9 - Sunday 17 DEC - Morning

I picked up Davey at 6:45 this morning.  It is a warmer day, like 34 F and the wind is down to about 10 mph.  We drove out to Marshall's S farm in the dark.

I dropped Davey off at the W edge and he set up along the creek - covering E, N, and most of the S (the exception being the property line which is too far to even see).  I drove around the N and parked.  I then walked E and S to the swamp.

It was still not legal shooting light when I came around the last point before the swamp, and promptly scared off two deer.  Mind you, I never saw them, I just heard the snorts and the loud crashing as they pushed SE through the swamp and off property.

That would be all we would see for the next three hours.  We walked out and met Harold by my truck.  He needed a ride to the N farm, which we gladly provided.  He said we now have permission to hunt next year.

My view of the swamp - facing almost due S


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